Bring Your Vision of Systems Change to Life
Design and evolve products, services, and creative ecosystems with your community to enable shared abundance and systems change
Living Systems Design - Unlock Collective Potential
Gather diverse stakeholders under a shared purpose, create an inspiring collective vision, and craft a potent strategic approach with everyone at the table.
Catalytic Communications - Create a Magnetic Membrane
Speak to the hearts & minds of your key stakeholders and community. Don't just keep everyone in the loop, give them opportunities to develop as a part of your ecosystem.
Abundance Fundraising - Gain Resources to Thrive
Develop diverse and mission-aligned funding sources through investment, grants, donations, partnerships and earned revenue.

What is systems change?
Any organization, non-profit or for-profit, that wants to go beyond solving surface level issues to shift underlying infrastructure, goals, and collective belief systems to become more in alignment with the flows of nature.
At Interform, we believe the ultimate goal of systems change organizations is to create human systems that enable all life to thrive.
You're here to create a better world with your community, but struggle with the complexity of systems change
We're here to support you in leveraging collective intelligence to design products, services, and ecosystems that enable collective prosperity and systems change.
Our Services
Living Systems Design
Unlock collective potential to design and evolve products, services, and ecosystems for shared prosperity and systemic change.
Turn complex situations from confusion into clarified action. Bring your stakeholders, funders, customers, and beneficiaries into unified collaboration through developmental processes that inspire, generate value for all involved, and get your closer to manifesting your collective vision.
Use Cases for Living Strategy and Design

For Philanthropic funders and Impact Investors

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For Impact Networks and Coalitions

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For Systems Shifting Non-Profits & Businesses

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Do you want to explore how you can apply Living Design Strategy?
Creative Communication
Speak to the hearts & minds of your key stakeholders and community.
You can speak your purpose so the right people "get it" and want to jump on board.
Then you can guide them to the most resonant path to engage with your organization, whether as a customer, donor, partner, or team member. In a world with many channels, communication can feel overwhelming. But we can bring simplicity through clear focus.
Brand strategy
Engaging events
Content creation
Social media campaigns
Public relations
Website Design & Development
Email marketing
Graphic design
Video production
Event promotion.
Storytelling workshops
Do you want to explore a collaboration around creative communication?
Abundant FUNdraising
Fundraising has long been a drag. Putting together budgets, meeting last minute deadlines, and wondering where your next 6 months of operating capital are coming from are not fun places to be.
Together we can change that. Through aligning strategy and communications, creating plans for diverse funding streams, and aiming to thrive instead of just survive on a shoe-string budeget, we can secure funding for your organization over the long-term.
Fundraising is about building relationships with important key partners. We believe it can, and should be fun for people who aim to create a better world. If random tech entrepreneurs get to have fun raising ridiculous amounts of money, why can't we as committed stewards of our community?
We offer fundraising services to for-profit and non-profit organizations
Fundraising strategy
Investment readiness
Grant writing
Donor cultivation
Budgeting and operational support
Crowdfunding campaigns
Fundraising events
Capital campaigns
Fundraising training
Do you want to explore a collaboration around a robust fundraising strategy as a tool for systemic change?
Insights to use living systems strategy to upgrade your strategy, fundraising, and communications
Collaborator Experiences
As a Founder, I often struggle to bridge the gap between big-picture dreams and tactical reality. Enter Interform. Interform has helped break down my long-term vision into achievable 3-4 month sprints, grounding my team at Silvi in action. What's extra special is that Adam doesn't lose sight of the north star, yet is gifted at being able to synthesize priorities for everyone involved.
He's not just a strategy mastermind. Adam brings a rare quality of humanity and connection to the table. This shines through in his exceptional facilitation skills, guiding insightful deep dives and workshops, whether one-on-one or with the entire team.
Without a doubt, Adam is an essential asset for those doing systems change work. I can't recommend him highly enough.
Djimo, founder of Silvi
As someone who's working on a systems change vision that involves both for-profit and non-profit entities, Interform has been an invaluable ally. Working with Interform helped me synthesize my big vision into distinct programs, which then supported me in fundraising for much larger grants. Adam worked with me to clarify the big vision and the core program offerings, and Sandra helped me find larger grants than I had previously thought possible. I feel very supported and excited for whats to come!
Jeremy Chevalier, Founder of Homegrown and Permascaping
Adam has known the exact questions to ask that have supported me in aligning with the way I truly want to work in the world… I have worked with other business coaches, and Adam is the first one who has supported me in a way that has allowed me to become the holistic practitioner I have been envisioning yet unable to achieve on my own. I always feel energized and focused for my next step when we get off a call. I am immensely grateful for our paths crossing and for the opportunity to work with him.
Working with Interform to find grants for our programs delivered what we needed… it gave us the capabilities to bring on somebody and give them a helpful roadmap to start working with immediately
Ryan Slaughbaugh, Founder of Think Regeneration
The Process of Transformation
Every systems change organization is unique, so the specifics of the project are different each time. However, we keep core elements of our process

Connect with collective potential
We start with the roots. Through collaborative workshops and interviews we clarify, energize, and expand your stakeholders perspective of the core mission of your organization. Through these interactions, we surface the unique potential of your organization, in this place, at this moment.

Sense into the future
With rootedness, we expand into the future. We sense into the patterns at work behind our workshops/interviews to expand on your potential for transforming systems. We weave a transformative vision of the future that your organization and the stakeholders who you partner with are uniquely positioned to create together.

Strategize with vision
Rooted in the present with an expansive future in mind, we get tactical. We create a holistic path forward to leveling up your fundraising, communications, and program/product strategy.

Co-create the future
With a transformative strategy, we execute. We create abundant budgets to fundraise for the resources you need to actualize your vision in a space of joy, prosperity, and enoughness. To support these higher levels of fundraising, we create a refined communications system that tells a compelling story of your organizations previous work and future potential.
Instead of working in silos, we practice radical collaboration to not only produce more useful deliverables but also to facilitate a culture of openness and creativity.

Implement and evolve
With an expanded vision, fresh brand, abundant budget, and communication system, we're all ready to take your organization to the next level. We act as your support team as you utilize the new capabilities, connections, and deliverables we created together to actualize your vision for systems transformation.
Insights to use living systems strategy to upgrade your strategy, fundraising, and communications
Pricing And Plans
Ongoing resourcing
Starting at $500/month
Monthly sessions, frameworks, and tools for teams seeking a transformational journey and wanting support through regular sessions facilitated by a custom group of subject matter experts.
Workshops & events
Starting at $750/workshop
Single events or event series for those who want to do a deep dive to grow their people's capacity specific area(s) of their organization.
Our aim with workshops and events is to help your team get 3 months worth of high level thinking across teams done in 3 hours
Full Service
Starting at $10,000 / engagement
For those who seek deep transformation and an adaptive team to execute along with them.
Our Aim: Improve the Way We Improve Our World
"You can't solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it"
  • Albert Einstein
We've noticed that many systems change initiatives start with a burning passion, a clear vision, and a lot of energy.
But many fizzle out, fall short of their purpose, or have to compromise between financial gain and social transformation.
We're here to connect the dots so your radical vision of systems change can grow beyond what you envision, in step with your community.
To elevate our work and results, we must elevate how we think.
To this end, we have crafted principles, inspired by the field of Regenerative/Living Systems Thinking pioneered by Carol Sanford that help us stay aligned with our aspirations as we work with you:
Trust collective intelligence
All of your stakeholders hold valuable insight that guides you towards fulfilling your essential purpose. We seek collaboration with the full spectrum of stakeholders frequently to generate an atmosphere of trust, long-term buy-in, and creative outputs that surpasses what everyone expected.
As visionaries who see the unseen, we acknowledge the value in testing our concepts and ideas against the experience of real people and situations. We balance our ability to reach into the unknown for creativity and inspiration with grounding into reality to ensure the things we create have a real impact on real people.
Test ideas against reality with action
Prioritize growth of inner capabilities
We don't just want to grow numbers, or even qualitative outcomes. We seek to grow the inherent capability of all that we work with. Through dialogue, thoughtful questions, and empowering engagements, we want to grow you from the inside out so you and your community continue to thrive long after our project ends.
Everything starts with connecting to the moment here and now. We start our work by uncovering the real potential, limitations, and secret sauce within the teams, communities, and bioregions that we work with. By rooting into the nature, dynamics, and potential of the systems we seek to change, we're able to expand our work to make waves, not ripples.
Expand from rootedness
Lean into connection
The wisdom of life guides us. And in 4.6 billion years on earth, life has shown us one thing - surviving and thriving requires deep connection. We strive to reconnect through our work, bringing people and place closer together through our workshops, collaborative approach, and thoughtful interview design.
Our Collaborative Ecosystem
We're an adaptive, distributed team of founders with diverse experience across many facets of building and growing systems change organizations
Adam French
Founding Visionary
Worked with dozens of social entrepreneurs as an advisor, strategist, designer, and most recently, regenerative practitioner.
His toolkit converges influences from design thinking, business model innovation, regenerative design, yoga, qi-gong, and is always expanding!
Fundraising Flow Artist
A former non-profit founder on a mission to improve how non-profits raise money for abundance and flow, Sandra has worked with organizations around the U.S. to raise millions of dollars on a local, state, and federal level.
Investment Intelligence Agent
Building the solidarity economy as a lawyer, entrepreneur, investor, and trusted advisor. After selling a family business, she leverages decades of experience understanding how businesses work to support their success.
Sam Chavez
Marketing Maven
Sam Chavez is a a queer, white, Latine activist who’s passionate about a livable planet, belonging, and equitable societies. She works in this purpose through her role as storyteller that cultivates empathetic marketing strategies for activists, non-profits, and social change campaigns.
Business Design Wizard
Vance guides social entrepreneurs through ambiguity as a facilitator, coach, and mentor by combining the polished steel of business with the colorful paper of design thinking.
Content and Connection Curator
Stephen is a motivated social enterprise founder that uses his skills in project management and content creation to support our process of forging new connections and maintaining a powerhouse content calendar
Our work
Goal: Go from Reforestation Pilot → Community-Driven Reforestation Platform
  • Funded 5,000+ farmers in Rural Kenya to plant trees
  • $50,000 in grants → $100,000+/year in earned revenue in beta stage
  • Launched website with 45 leads from form
  • Expanded from single reforestation pilot to platform model with 20+ pilot projects


Reforestation for everyone. Silvi is accelerating global reforestation through building a platform for community-driven reforestation

Next Rung Technology
Goal: Transform a sustainable technology engineering brand and online presence, creating team cohesion, and strategic clarity.
  • 0-8,000 impressions on Google search over 2 years.
  • Grew the team from 6-14 members over 2 years.

Next Rung Technology

Next Rung Technology

Engineering consultants helping sustainable technology companies effectively scale their business and engineering processes

Just Learn
Goal: Improve ecological learning platform go-to-market with website design + messaging
  • $15,000+ in new revenue from partnerships with schools after website launch.
  • Empowered thousands of kids to understand living systems through PlanetBox


PlanetBox is a cutting edge, self-sustaining ecosystem-ina-box with engaging and immersive, science resources for students, educators,researchers and hobbyists.

Think Regeneration
Goal: Find high-leverage partnerships for a regenerative agriculture hub and capacity builder for farmers.
  • 10+ powerful partnerships discovered
  • Nourished the minds, hearts, and operations of dozens of pioneering regenerative farmers through their programs

Think Regeneration

Think Regeneration

Accelerating change in the food supply through our regenerative agriculture programs, expertise, and partnerships.

Goal: Birth a data sovereignty co-op within a coalition of Black-led non-profits working on trauma and youth.
Results (ongoing project):
  • 40+ community members engaged in the design process
  • Shifting the narrative around community development to center the voices of disinvested community members



We exist to incubate, catalyze and maximize the efforts and impact of Black-led, youth serving organizations in order to build thriving communities.