Welcome to the Evolution Space
A place to connect, heal, learn, and create new paradigms with fellow agents of systems change
Accelerate Your Journey of Transformation
We all play unique roles in the symphony of evolution within humans, our cultures, and the systems we create.
Constant exploitation of our Mother Earth and social manipulation has led to a moment in time where our collective fate hangs in the balance.
Where our human and beyond-human communities ask us to take a step deeper.
We aim to create a space to explore our gifts and practice embodiment of these gifts through co-creation.
Welcome to the Evolution Space, a place to discover, develop, and embody the gifts you can uniquely contribute in this crucial movement for life.
Evolution is Deep and Complicated Work
To change our systems, we must change ourselves. This isn't easy.
Many of us have grown up in the midst of scarcity mindset and isolating individualism. We tend to minimize our gifts and true nature to fit into the boxes of expectations around us.
These limiting beliefs and ways of being can linger, disrupting our ability to clearly envision, believe in, and take impactful action towards the future that our hearts desire and know is possible.
This might show up as burnout, consistent feelings of resistance, a difficult relationship with money, or simply a lack of joy in your work.
We aim to help you uncover and cultivate the seeds of your authentic gifts, so you can show up fully as a leader, work more effectively, and have fun while you do it!
The Space for People Creating Systems of Love
Be held in dynamic spaces that support your development as a whole human.






Community - Grow Your Circle
Meet people with diverse and dynamic skills through our Slack community and connective sessions.


Mastermind - Take Clear Action
90 minute session each month
Join collective wisdom circles to spur clarified action on pivotal initiatives and complex challenges.


Learning Sessions - Sharpen The Mind
60 minute session each month
Develop expanded ways of thinking about envisioning a new future, bringing people along the journey, and activating shared momentum through paradigm shifting projects.


Wellness Practice - Align Body, Spirit, and Emotion.
30 minute session each month
Guided practices inspired by yoga, qigong, and lived experience that rejuvenate your being, harmonizing breath, movement, and spirit.
As a beta tester for the space, you can join now for just $20/month 🌟
The Harvest: Fruits of Our Journey
Refine your ability to think as a creator, embracing ease and elegance in addressing challenges to create life-affirming futures.
Cultivate self-care rituals, aligning with your envisioned future and invigorating your essence.
Hone the art of facilitation, increasing your ability to create with diverse voices and lead teams.
Develop new levels of capability to joyfully evolve your self and places that matter to you in partnership with key stakeholders.
As a beta tester for the space, you can join now for just $20/month 🌟
A Lightweight and Potent Experience
We know the overwhelm and frustration that comes from being in 5+ different community spaces, all with their own unique events, threads of conversation, and platforms.
It's way too much to remember, especially when you're doing the work on the ground and dealing with dozens of emails.
That's why we're keeping it simple.
After you sign up, you'll get an invite to 3 events on your calendar. Then you'll receive an invite to the Slack community.
No logging in and digging around in a confusing online portal, constantly deciding which events you need to register for.
You'll have the events in your calendar, and you can show up when you're called!
Who We Are
👋🏼 Hi! I'm Adam French, your host in the Evolution Space.
I've worked with dozens of social entrepreneurs as an advisor, strategist, designer, and most recently regenerative practitioner.
My toolkit converges influences from design thinking, business model innovation, strategy, regenerative and systems thinking frameworks, yoga, qi-gong, and is always expanding!
I am not an expert, guru, or all-knowing being.
I humbly offer the Evolution Space to answer my calling in holding dynamic space for people to grow.
We're excited for your to join us!
As a beta tester for the space, you can join now for just $20/month 🌟
Upcoming Learning Sessions
Becoming an Evolutionary Leader
Learn about and practice the paradigm of leadership that will catalyze the creation of systems sourced from love
Transforming Systemic Problems Into Potential
Learn how to work from potential to grow more energy, momentum, and vitalizing partnership in your systems change efforts
From Fundraising to Resourcing: Effectively Fueling Systems Change Projects
Gain a deeper understanding on what it means to resource your systems change efforts beyond funding, while expanding awareness on the channels available raise funds.
Who is the Evolution Space for?
It is for change-makers, leaders, thinkers, and anyone who is dedicated to creating positive shifts in societal systems and cultures. Currently, events are in the morning U.S. time, so it's most accessible to those in the U.S. and Western Europe/Africa.
What does the membership include?
The membership includes access to all of our monthly sessions, sent as an invite on Google Calendar.
  • 30 minute wellness session, where we'll practice breathwork and mindful movement.
  • 60 minute learning session, where we'll explore frameworks and specific topics in systems change and entrepreneurship.
  • 90 minute mastermind sessions, where you'll have a facilitated space to work on high-value projects, tasks, and initiatives with the support of collective intelligence.
You'll also get access to our Slack Community where you can meet other members and engage in discussions that build on the topics from the sessions.
What is the commitment level required?
We encourage you to engage as actively as you can to maximize your experience and growth. However, we understand everyone's journey is unique, and you can tailor their involvement to fit their personal schedules and needs.
Will the price stay at $20/month?
The first 20 people who join have lifetime access to the Evolution Space at the launch price of $20/month. After the first 20 people join, the price will rise to $50/month or more, depending on the demand.
Do you still have a question that's not addressed here? Send an email to adam@interform.space.