Set yourself up for fundraising success
Forge deep partnerships with aligned funders to catalyze your systems change efforts.
Clarify your approach. Fundraise more effectively. Forge meaningful Partnerships.
We don't just help you fundraise.
We help you create a system for effective fundraising.
At the end of the supergrants experience, you’ll have all you need for confident and efficient fundraising:
A whole strategy workshop and outline that covers the founding purpose of your project, the places you affect most, the positive outcomes you seek to create, and the programs you’re currently implementing to make it happen. This outline ensures you never start grant applications from a blank page and guides your strategic efforts moving forward.
A rich database of 10-30 grant opportunities that presents the opportunities for funding you have now and moving into the future based on the trajectory and unique aspects of your organization.
Guidance around key partners or fiscal sponsors so if your non-profit status is pending, you can still fundraise with confidence while building valuable partnerships.
Key documents and strategic language so you can minimize the amount of time spent rewriting you have to do during the grant writing process.
When you think of grant fundraising for your projects, do you feel intimidated, overwhelmed, or stressed?
We found that for many working on systems change, this is sadly the case. The current grant finding tools only cover part of the process, and don’t help people align their strategy. There are many amazing grantwriters, strategists and consultants out there, but we’ve spoken to multiple people who’re still stressed after bringing them on.
At Interform, we decided this reality wasn’t serving our global evolution. We decided that leaders of systems change shouldn’t become emotionally drained from one of the most powerful activities they can embark on- grant fundraising.
So we created a fundraising strategy offering that weaves our expertise in living systems strategy with the processes of successful grant experts to supercharge your grant fundraise process, leaving you with strategic clarity, a database full of aligned grant opportunities, and guidance on how to align your grantwriting with funder needs to ensure the best chance for grant fundraising success.
The Process

Phase 1: Clarify your whole strategy with living systems frameworks
Surface clarity between your founding purpose, vision, programs, indicators of success, and place to surface compelling fundraising narratives and align your whole team.
Delivered through: 2 hr Living Systems Strategy Workshop + Strategic Outline Document

Phase 2: Find aligned grant partners with a high chance for success
We use the context from the strategy workshop to find grant opportunities with high alignment - giving you higher opportunity for success. We’ll then organize these in an easy to use data base with the due-dates, estimated amount of funding available, difficulty of application, and a direct link to the opportunity.
Delivered through: Database of 10-30 aligned grant opportunities with key information and pitch angles.

Phase 3: Get set up for effective grantwriting
Once we find opportunities, we find common questions from the applications to create a starting point while grantwriting so you don’t have to find yourself constantly rewriting from scratch. We use the strategic outline to write answers so they’re directly aligned with your larger strategy.
Delivered through: A “common grant question” section of the strategic outline document, for easy grantwriter access.

Phase 4: Write Grants, Win Grants, Repeat
Whether you work with us to write grants or choose to write them yourself with support, we'll help you write grants to win them.
We'll set a meeting cadence, create a structure that makes it easy for you to deliver on the timelines and budgets that are essential for grant writing (and execution) success, and track grants as we move through the database we've created.
💚 for Supergrants
As a complete newbie to the grant fundraising process, It felt like I had my hand held by a professional grant strategist!
This was also a great opportunity to clarify my overall strategy, and helped me make key decisions around programs design and partnerships.
The supergrants program delivered what we needed… it gave us the capabilities to bring on somebody and give them a helpful roadmap to start working with immediately
Supergrants Hero: $5,000 / month
Win grants with a design strategist and a grantwriter who wins > 60% of her applications
Includes the Discovery Package (Month 1)
  • 20 hours of monthly support around grant-writing, technical assistance, and strategy
  • Dedicated grantwriter and project manager who manages your grant process
  • 1 monthly high level strategy meeting to re-align with the bigger picture and work through challenges.
  • Documented answers to common grant questions for you to re-use.
Supergrants Discovery: $3,000 One Time Investment
Get a jumpstart on your grant fundraising.
Includes :
  • Living systems strategy workshop
  • Database with $100,000 - $10,000,000 worth of aligned grant opportunities and supportive strategy + grantwriting infrastructure:
  • Strategic outline document
Payment Plans
  • $2,500 up front and $2,500 upon final delivery of the database & documents.
  • $1,000 / month for 5 months.
Supergrants Support: $1,000 / month
Starting with the living systems strategy workshop, or going straight into grant finding.
5 hours of support each month around finding grants, refining applications, and preparing the necessary documents.
1 monthly high level strategy meeting to re-align with the bigger picture and work through challenges.
Are you ready to level up your fundraising?
Your Fundraising Strategy Team
Founder of Interform
Strategist, Artist, Designer, Regenerative Practitioner.
Founder of New Normal Support
Grant writer and strategist with 20+ years supporting non-profits in the environmental, social justice space.
We'll bring on other grantwriters as needed, especially if you're on the Hero package.